Mental Health First Aid [St Lucia] TENTATIVE
The Mental Health First Aid (MHFA) is a global movement that aims to equip individuals with the mental health knowledge and the skills to provide 'first aid' relief to others with mental health problems. Worldwide, the academic community is particularly vulnerable to mental health ailments. For instance, a third of PhD students are at risk of having or developing a common psychiatric disorder like depression (Levecque et al., 2017). While knowledge of physical first aid skills to help people who are physically injured is common, far fewer people possess mental health first aid skills to help themselves or those around them experiencing mental distress.
We are offering this program to HDR students. Presented by UQ Student Services' accredited Mental Health First Aid trainer, with support from the Graduate School and the Australian Postgraduate Association (APS), the MHFA program for HDR students will run in a face-to-face mode.
At the end of the course, you will be accredited as a Mental Health First Aider which is an accreditation that you can list on your resume and/or CV.
Hurry! Spaces are limited! Applications will close TBA.
After completing the MHFA training, you will be strongly encouraged to become join UQ's Mental Health Champions Network as a volunteer. See link for more details.
This is a premium CDF course. Please do not sign up unless you can commit to attending the entire 2 days as non-attendance can lead to a ban from future CDF premium events.
About Candidature management
Undertaking a research degree is a huge commitment and requires many skills. Gaining an understanding of these techniques and strategies early, will assist you to complete and submit your thesis efficiently.
Useful links
- Advice by Student Services: Working with your advisor
- Short excerpt on PhD Survival
- The PhD Survival video : Doing a PhD is meant to be challenging, and most doctoral students feel overwhelmed by the task at times. But many find that their work - and their lives - are compromised by feelings of loneliness, inadequacy or anxiety. The consequences can be abandoned PhDs, disrupted careers and damaged mental health.
- The Thesis Whisperer: PhD support blog by A/Prof Inger Mewburn, Director of Researcher Development, ANU
- Patter: PhD and writing support blog by Prof Pat Thomson, School of Education, University of Nottingham
- Postgrad Forum: An extensive forum of PhDs from all over the world discussing life, work, research, career, and anything PhD
- The PhD Forum: A Twitter-based social support group, online writing lounge, collaboration directory
- Wellbeing group programs available now