The seven secrets of highly successful research students [online] TENTATIVE
This is a 10 week online program that looks at seven key strategies that help research higher degree students finish on time and enjoy the process more. You can view the program contents at your leisure, there are no set dates to attend unless otherwise indicated by your trainer.
Each week you will receive an email with some content and a link to tools that can help you navigate your candidature. You can also rate yourself on the seven secrets and work out what exactly you can do to improve your progress. This program is highly recommended for students who are early on in their candidature so they can develop good habits and skills at the earliest possible stage.
Things discussed during the program include:
- Your relationship with your supervisor
- Writing
- Perfectionism
- Distractions
- Structure
- Getting help
- Keeping on going when the going gets tough
Please note that completion of at least 75% of the content is required to be marked as attended, otherwise you may be banned from attending premium CDF events for the rest of this year.
About the Presenter:
Maria Gardiner, BA (Hons) MPsych (Clinical) MAPS PhD
Maria is a leading cognitive behavioural coach and clinical psychologist who has coached many of Australia's medical, academic, industry, and government executives over the last fifteen years. She is recognised as an authority on mentoring, and is the architext of the highly acclaimed Flinders University mentoring scheme, now being rolled out nationally across Australian universities.
Maria is also a widely respected researcher, holding an adjunct research associate position in the School of Psychology at Flinders University. She has a strong research record, which provides a rigorous evidence base for her specialisation in high performing individuals.
As a co-author with Hugh Kearns, she has published five books which are in high demand both in Australia and internationally.
The companion book to this workshop is The Seven Secrets of Highly Successful Research Students.
About Candidature management
Undertaking a research degree is a huge commitment and requires many skills. Gaining an understanding of these techniques and strategies early, will assist you to complete and submit your thesis efficiently.
Useful links
- Advice by Student Services: Working with your advisor
- Short excerpt on PhD Survival
- The PhD Survival video : Doing a PhD is meant to be challenging, and most doctoral students feel overwhelmed by the task at times. But many find that their work - and their lives - are compromised by feelings of loneliness, inadequacy or anxiety. The consequences can be abandoned PhDs, disrupted careers and damaged mental health.
- The Thesis Whisperer: PhD support blog by A/Prof Inger Mewburn, Director of Researcher Development, ANU
- Patter: PhD and writing support blog by Prof Pat Thomson, School of Education, University of Nottingham
- Postgrad Forum: An extensive forum of PhDs from all over the world discussing life, work, research, career, and anything PhD
- The PhD Forum: A Twitter-based social support group, online writing lounge, collaboration directory
- Wellbeing group programs available now