You’d assume that as a researcher doing a PhD or M. Phil, your confidence would develop and you’d lose that sense of being a fraud. After all, you have the evidence of how well you are going. But ironically it can get worse! In fact, the more you achieve the higher the standard becomes. More to prove. More to lose.   Despite the clear evidence that you are doing well, you may still have a feeling that you are an 'imposter' and this can affect what you think, feel and do.  

But you are not alone:  many successful people feel like this regularly.  And there's good news:  there are practical strategies you can use to challenge the imposter feelings, both for yourself and also for the people around you who are most likely feeling like imposters too.

This is an interactive workshop and you are expected to have discussions with other workshop participants, so please ensure you are in a location that allows for open conversation.

In this seminar Hugh Kearns, author of the book The Imposter Syndrome, will explain how to identify the imposter syndrome and what you can do about it. Hugh lectures and researches at Flinders University, Adelaide, Australia. He is widely recognised for his ability to take the latest research in psychology and education and apply it to high-performing people and groups.


May be eligible for CDS.

About Candidature management

Undertaking a research degree is a huge commitment and requires many skills. Gaining an understanding of these techniques and strategies early, will assist you to complete and submit your thesis efficiently. 

Useful links

  • Advice by Student Services: Working with your advisor
  • Short excerpt on PhD Survival 
  • The PhD Survival video : Doing a PhD is meant to be challenging, and most doctoral students feel overwhelmed by the task at times. But many find that their work - and their lives - are compromised by feelings of loneliness, inadequacy or anxiety. The consequences can be abandoned PhDs, disrupted careers and damaged mental health.
  • The Thesis Whisperer: PhD support blog by A/Prof Inger Mewburn, Director of Researcher Development, ANU
  • Patter: PhD and writing support blog by Prof Pat Thomson, School of Education, University of Nottingham
  • Postgrad Forum: An extensive forum of PhDs from all over the world discussing life, work, research, career, and anything PhD
  • The PhD Forum: A Twitter-based social support group, online writing lounge, collaboration directory
  • Wellbeing group programs available now