Research ethics: Human [webinar]
19 March 2025 10:00am–11:30am
15 January 2025–19 March 2025
Human Research is research conducted with or about people, or their data or tissue. It includes the involvement of human beings in the following activities:
- surveys, interviews or focus groups;
- psychological, physiological or medical testing or treatments;
- observation by researchers;
- having participants’ personal documents or other materials accessed;
- collection and use of participants’ body organs, tissues or fluids (e.g. skin, blood, urine, saliva, hair, bones, tumor and other biopsy specimens), or their exhaled breath, and; their information (in individually identifiable, re-identifiable or non-identifiable form) as part of an existing published or unpublished source or database being accessed
In this session the following topics related to Human research Ethics will discussed;
- Principles of ethical research
- Review Pathways
- The process of seeking ethical approval
- Ethics application form (HREA)
There will also be opportunity for your questions.
Presented by Office of Research Ethics.
About Integrity and ethics
The responsible conduct of research – including adherence to ethical and professional protocols in research practice and publication – forms the basis of research which is trusted and valued in the broader community. The integrity of research therefore, relies on researchers who act responsibly and follow the relevant codes of practice.
- The UQ Research Integrity Module will provide you with a grounding in research integrity and ethics to begin your candidature.
Useful links
- The Ethics and integrity unit at UQ: Check out the webpage for reguarly scheduled Ethics drop in sessions
- UQ Ethics and integrity workflows: Human ethics and Animal ethics, and Integrity
- Principles of responsible research at UQ: Your responsibility as a researcher
- Academic integrity at UQ
- Think Check Submit: Choosing the right journal
- Learn how to use Data ethically.
Other upcoming sessions
Research ethics: Animal [St Lucia]
17 Mar 2025
Research ethics: Human [webinar]
13 May 2025