Research design
Your research degree requires the ability to apply "analytical and critical thinking skills to generate new knowledge, investigate problems and develop inventive solutions" (UQ HDR Graduate Attributes, 2017). This starts with determining the design of the research study through understanding and justifying the chosen methodologies and analytical methods. Building these skills during your research degree will equip you with the knowledge to apply them in a wide variety of contexts during your career.
The Graduate School has a range of sessions covering research methodolgy and methods delivered by esteemed providers such as ISSR.
Useful links
- Graduate School's recording of Expert panel on adjusting research during COVID held on 18 August 2020
- Sage Research Methods
- Join Sage’s Methodspace
- ISSR videos on research methods: Ethnographic approach, Evaluation methods, Mixed methods, Physiological measurement and observation method, Predictive risk modelling methods; Behavioural economics, experimental and quasi-experimental methods
- ISSR's MFSAS (Methods for Social Analysis and Statistics) courses
- Check out FREE self-paced onine research design and analysis courses with our EdX MOOC partners:
- National University of Singapore Quantitative and Qualitative Research for Beginners
- University of Endinburgh Introduction to Social Research Methods
- TUDelfts Multidisciplinary Research Methods for Engineers
- UQ's Introduction to Psychological Research Methods