As you approach your mid-candidature, don't forget to take care of yourself. It is important to take some time away from the lab or library and get some perspective on your studies.  CDF workshops can also help you to see things differently, network with your peers, and learn to understand yourself and others. 

R U OK - Building your skills [webinar]

12 September 2024 10:00am11:30am
R U Ok Day is a national day of action to encourage conversations with those who may be struggling. This workshop will build skills on mental health awareness, ways we can have difficult conversations with each other and ways to access support.

Communicating in a global environment [St Lucia] TENTATIVE

17 September 2024 9:00am12:00pm
Build your skills in communicating across a range of cultures and contexts.

Leaders and leadership: The challenge of 'doing' leadership [webinar]

3 October 2024 10:00am12:00pm
This workshop will give you insights into what leadership means in the 21st century and the challenges of being a leader.  It will give you an opportunity to reflect on your own potential to lead and make a difference in the workplace.

CV Essentials for HDRs [St Lucia]

22 October 2024 10:00am12:00pm
Interactive workshop to give you skills to prepare and maintain an outstanding CV. (previously known as Preparing your CV).

Lighting the Spark: Entrepreneurial Pathways to leverage your research [St Lucia]

5 November 2024 10:00am12:00pm
Find out how to generate workable ideas from your research and turn them into business opportunities. Be an idea pioneer!

Intellectual property and the law [St Lucia]

6 November 2024 1:00pm2:30pm
Intellectual Property can be a valuable asset and understanding how to protect it will help you in your research career. This session will touch upon UQ’s IP policies, and the broader Australian and global context.

Three Ss of Resilience [St Lucia]

7 November 2024 10:00am11:30am
Learn strategies to improve resilience in order to better manage the stresses and strains of life, both during the candidature and in your future professional life.

Career strategy (General) [St Lucia]

12 November 2024 10:00am12:00pm
Discover post-HDR career options and consider which is best for you.

Optimising Wellbeing throughout your HDR Journey [Gatton]

21 November 2024 10:00am11:30am
This workshop aims to assist HDR students to manage stress, to open conversations about wellbeing and to access UQ support services and resources.

Communicating for impact outside academia [St Lucia]

25 November 2024 10:00am12:00pm
Learn to communicate your research to the broader community.
